Issue 1: The System show incorrect speaker count to admin. 1. Clean all data from the DB. 2. Create a admin account. 3. Create a speaker account. 4. Activate both the accounts. 5. Login as admin to dashboard section. The no of speaker count shown to admin is '2' which seem to be incorrect. Please refer to the attached screenshot - imagine8_001.png Issue 2: Speaker/Admin Module: All the validation message that results throughout apps should have the first letter of the sentence in upper case and rest others should be in lower case. All the validation message that results for all fields in Add/Edit Events, Audio, FAQ, Accounts, Void code, News/Articles, Questions, Speaker account creation through admin module should have the first letter of the sentence in upper case and rest others should be in lower case. For example: Please refer to the attached screenshot - imagine8_002.png Issue 3: Admin/Speaker Module - After making some changes in Edit Audio light box, if we cancel the edit process and again invoke the Edit Audio light box then the changes done are getting reflected in Edit Audio light box. 1. Login as speaker and navigate to audio section. 2. Add a new audio. (Do not associate the audio with any available event's) 3. After adding click to edit the audio. 4. In Edit Audio section, select an event and hit Cancel. 5. Again invoke the Edit Audio light box. You will note that the Edit Audio light box display the event name that we have selected in step 4 which is wrong. Issue 4: IE9 Specific: Admin/Speaker Module - Multiple issues exist in Add/Edit Audio light box. 1. Login as speaker and navigate to audio section. 2. Add a new audio. 3. In Add New Audio File light box, try to select a Event name from the drop down using mouse and not through keyboard down key. Issue A: Currently we cannot select the Event from the drop down. 4. After step 2, entire values in all required field and hit cancel. The 'Add New Audio File' light box quit but it show the faded overlay. Users has to manual refresh the page to work on audio section. Issue 5: Currently when a audio file is downloaded through audio section then it generate a random number like 'Mg==_BM20c5.mp3'. So here instead of these random number can we show the audio file name like audio001.mp3. Incase if the same audio file is uploaded multiple times then we can show audio001(2).mp3 etc. Issue 6: Speaker/Admin Module: Billing Address section - The Country field validates if no country are selected with a message in Red but all the values under the country field are also shown in Red. 1. Login as Speaker and navigate to Billing address section. 2. Without entering any values in any required field hit 'Process Payment'. It show a message under the country field that this field is required in Red. But you will note that all the values under the country drop down field are also shown in RED which wrong. Issue 7: Speaker/Admin Module: The Expiration Date field in the Billing address section shows all the month in "01 - Jan, 02 - Feb ... 12 - Dec' sequence which doesn't seem to be correct. I guess this would create a confusion to speaker who is using the apps to purchase code. I would suggest to add values like Jan, Feb... Dec. Issue B: Also i found the card no field accept a maximum of 20 digit. I am wondering whether this is correct or not. Please clarify whether this is the requirement that we have received from client. Currently testing is perform with a 16 digit number. Issue 8: Speaker/Admin Module - Can we add same audio files to multiple events. 1. Let say we have 2 event i.e. Event001, Event002. 2. We have 2 audio files i.e. Audio001 associated with Event001 & Audio002 associated with Event002. 3. I upload another audio file i.e. Audio003 which is not associated with any events. 4. In Download code section, i add Audio003 to Event001. But i cannot add the same 'audio003' to other event i.e. Event002 in the download code section since it does not display to me in the Assiociated Audio files light box. Issue 9: Speaker/Admin Module - Issue with exporting the download code data in CSV or PDF format. 1. Login as speaker. 2. Navigate to code section. 3. Click to view any download code. 4. In Download code section, enter some invalid criteria in search code field that would return no results for the download code section. 5. Once the filter criteria is applied which return no results for Download code section. Hit 'Export List'. 6. It will ask to download files through CSV format or PDF. 7. Check in case for both CSV and PDF. It shows all the data's that are currently available for the download code section. But the filter criteria did not return any results in the download code section. Issue 10: Speaker Module - Invalid data sent as FAQ to Admin through email does not display the entire data. 1. Login as speaker. 2. Navigate to FAQ section and click to ask a FAQ. 3. In Ask FAQ light box, enter the following and hit submit i.e. "!@#$%^&*()ghs\\jsgdbdhdjbd123455{}:\"?><><><><><><><><><><><><><><. Issue 11: Admin Module - The Pending Question section in dashboard does not display the latest question asked by speaker incase if there are some pending question which are not answered by admin. 1. Login as speaker. 2. Navigate to FAQ section. 3. Send 4-5 question to admin. 4. Logout and login as admin. 5. In dashboard section, check the question being asked by speakers in the pending question section. Currently it display all the question in ascending order i.e. question 1, 2, 3, 4 etc likewise. But it never show the latest question being asked by speaker i.e. i guess in descending order. Issue 12: Account creation/Sign-up screens allow user to register with a password of less than 8 character which in Password Reset screen it does not allow users to reset password less than 8 charcater. I guess the behavior should be consistent across both ends i.e. in Sign-up and Password reset sections. Issue 13: Password Reset: A weird message is displayed in password reset section for multiple sceanrio as mentioned below. It display 'Password Required' for all the below scenario; 1. In case if the new password and confirm new password mis-match 2. In case if the password and confirm new password are less than 8 char 3. In case if the password and confirm new password does not fullfill the following criteria i.e. Passwords must contain at least 2 out of the following items: -> The use of both upper-case and lower-case letters (case sensitivity) -> Inclusion of one or more numerical digits -> Inclusion of special characters, e.g. @, #, $ etc. In all the above case the validation message should be different and meaningful to users you are trying to reset there password. Issue 14: With reference to Issue 12 & Issues 13, same modification needs to be done in the Account section for Speakers & Admin. Issue 15: