4) (done) 5) (done) 6) will do after details being provided. 7) Provide the ability to delete contacts. 8) Showing breadcrumbs to which does contacts belong.(done) 11) Medications can be shared, and it is also showing properly in the profile listing of the person with whom it is being shared. 12) Done as suggested. 13) Done as suggested. 14) Done. list of users with whom the resource is being shared as well as the owners name is being shown there. 15) Done as suggested for medications listing. 16) Done as suggested for contacts and tasks listing. 18) Done. 19) Done. 20) Done. 21 & 22) Provider's list is needed I guess. 23) Not needed now. 30) Sharing of tasks: We are allowing to share a task_group. which will appear on the listing of user with whom it is being shared. 31) Breadcrumb(done) 32) Delete functionality for tasks and contacts, Calendar button for due date(tasks section)(done). 33) Indicator button if a task is complete or not.(done) 34) Done. 35) Activation email message.(done)