Below are the report types that require testing/modifications

Management Reports

The Backlog ratios section and one report in profitablity ratios, are still using the older version 
of the chart solution(maani charts) and needs to be converted to anychart. But, the numeric reports 
need some modifications as we have replaced the html reports to PDF reports.

Profitability Ratios
*) Gross profit open and closed jobs.

Backlog Ratios
*) Cost to complete to net worth.
*) Cost to complete to working capital.
*) Months in backlog.

Not sure about the calculations and the business logic flow of the below two reports. But while browsing
them I have reproduced some bugs and need to be checked.
Project Data
*) Hit Ratio(bugs are present)

The below listed reports under the same Project Data still redirect to the reports generated by liqudity, 
profitablity and leverage ratios.
Not sure whether its correct.
*) Cash Flow
*) Cost-to-Complete
*) Left-to-Bill
*) Percentage change in backlog

Companies Section

Icons present under the jobs section is currently not working.
Not sure about the page it should redirect and the functionality involbed with it.

Some common issues with the checkboxs throughout the site where the label text is 
not binded to it checkbox, same with radio button.
exp: Clicking on check it doesn't check the check box associated with it.
[] check it

Companies->work with financials->Balance sheet income statement

Select a company and generate one balance sheet and income statement.
Its perfectly showing the online version but shows error when we are trying to show the pdf version.

Also we need a cancel button overhere.